Investment Vehicule
professional and private investors interested in creating an international real
estate portfolio will find a range of sophisticated investment vehicles in
Luxembourg to meet their needs and specific preferences. The diversity and
flexibility of these alternatives has made Luxembourg the premier European
domicile for international real estate investment vehicles.
real estate investment vehicle can either be set up as a non-regulated entity
(a commercial company) or as an entity regulated by the CSSF (for instance, a
collective investment scheme). The choice will depend on the method by which
capital is to be raised, the type of investor targeted, the investments to be
made and particular tax considerations.
Most Luxembourg real estate funds are regulated
collective investment schemes, either set up as a company (a variable capital
investment company - SICAV, or a fixed capital investment company - SICAF) or
as a common investment fund (fonds commun de placement - FCP).
The specialised investment fund (SIF),
reserved for use by institutional, professional and well-informed investors,
and the investment company in risk
capital (SICAR), a vehicle designed uniquely for venture
capital and private equity investment, are two other structures that are very
popular for real estate investment.
these vehicles can be set up with a multiple compartment structure, enabling
the creation of sub-funds with different investment and/or marketing strategies
within one legal structure.
The legal forms most commonly used for
non-regulated vehicles are the public limited company (société anonyme - SA) and the
private limited company (société à responsabilité limitée - sàrl). A real
estate investment vehicle can also be constituted as a securitisation vehicle.
choice of the most appropriate structure will largely depend on the type of
funding, the target investors, their tax situation and the type of investments